Our ReviewNaturadeVeganSmart All-in-one

Naturade VeganSmart All-in-One: a balanced meal replacement with 20g protein, 14g carbs, and 6g fat per serving. Ideal for nutritious, convenient meals.
Naturade VeganSmart All-in-one

Naturade VeganSmart All-in-One stands out with its broad spectrum of ingredients suitable as a comprehensive meal replacement protein powder. It's not just a protein supplement; it's crafted to serve as a nutritious meal substitute. Each serving, sized at 43 grams, delivers a balanced blend of 20 grams of protein, 14 grams of carbohydrates, and 6 grams of fat, making it a well-rounded choice for those seeking more than just protein.

The inclusion of a diverse range of ingredients, like pea protein isolate, quinoa protein, and an array of vitamins and minerals, is particularly noteworthy. This product is clearly designed to cater to a variety of nutritional needs, providing a convenient solution for those busy days when preparing a full meal might not be feasible.

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Naturade VeganSmart All-in-One strikes a balance between diversity and nutritional efficacy. The product's protein blend is particularly noteworthy, consisting of Pea Protein Isolate, Quinoa Protein, Chia Protein, Potato Protein, and Chlorella Protein. This combination offers a comprehensive amino acid profile. Pea protein isolate, for example, is a high-quality protein and a great source of iron.

Protein Matrix
Pea Protein
Chia Seed Protein
Potato Protein
Chlorella Protein
Miscellaneous others...

The inclusion of a Fiber & Omega Blend, with elements like Flax Seed Powder and Borage Oil, enhances the nutritional profile by providing essential fatty acids and fiber, crucial for heart health and digestion. The presence of a Vegan Energy Blend, including Organic Cane Sugar and Sunflower Oil, adds an energy-boosting element but might be a concern for those monitoring sugar intake.

A standout feature is the Whole Food Complex, bringing in nutrients from a variety of fruits and vegetables. This not only enhances the vitamin and mineral content but also ensures a broader range of phytonutrients, beneficial for overall health. The Digestive Enzyme Blend, including Bromelain and Protease, aids in protein digestion, making the product more digestible and reducing potential gastrointestinal discomfort.

The product also includes Prebiotics from Aloe Vera, supporting gut health, which is a plus. The use of natural flavors and organic stevia as sweeteners is commendable, avoiding artificial additives and aligning with health-conscious consumers.

While the product does have a solid vitamin and mineral profile, additional focus on specific nutrients like Vitamin D or Omega-3s might be beneficial, considering their widespread deficiencies.

Reviewed Product
 VeganSmart All-in-one
Reviewed Flavor
Product Ingredients
Pea Protein Isolate, Quinoa Protein, Chia Protein, Potato Protein, Chlorella Protein Fiber & Omega Blend, Flax Seed Powder, Bamboo Fiber, Pea Fiber, Apple Fruit Fiber, Borage Oil Vegan Energy Blend, Organic Cane Sugar, Sunflower Oil, Medium Chain Triglycerides, Organic Rice Syrup Solids Whole Food Complex, Apricot Fruit, Mango Fruit, Raspberry Fruit, Carrot Root, Pineapple Fruit, Broccoli Flower and Stem, Cabbage Leaf, Beet Root, Spinach Leaf Digestive Enzyme Blend, Bromelain, Protease, Amylase, Lipase Prebiotics, Aloe vera inner leaf, Natural Flavors, Organic Stevia, Xanthan Gum.
Label Endorsed As
Watchlist Ingredients
May contain traces of
milk, soy, wheat, eggs, tree nuts (coconut, almond)



Starting with the protein content and types, VeganSmart offers a blend of plant-based proteins, including Pea Protein Isolate, Quinoa Protein, Chia Protein, Potato Protein, and Chlorella Protein. Each of these contributes a unique set of amino acids, with quinoa standing out as a complete protein. Pea protein isolate is known for its high digestibility and rich iron content. The combination of these proteins supports muscle repair and maintenance, which is vital in a meal replacement product.


Regarding digestion speeds, plant-based proteins typically digest at a moderate rate, offering a sustained release of amino acids. This is beneficial in a meal replacement context, as it can help maintain satiety and provide a steady supply of nutrients over time.

The net carb content (14g per serving) and fat content (6g per serving) are in line with what one would expect from a balanced meal replacement. The carbs provide immediate energy, while the fats, including essential fatty acids from the Fiber & Omega Blend, contribute to longer-term energy needs and overall health.

The inclusion of a Whole Food Complex and a range of vitamins and minerals in the product further enhances its effectiveness. These additions help in filling nutritional gaps that might be present in one's diet, which is a key aspect of a meal replacement. The Digestive Enzyme Blend and prebiotics support digestive health, ensuring that the nutrients are efficiently absorbed and utilized by the body.

However, the product has a relatively lower protein-to-calorie ratio compared to some pure protein supplements, which might not meet the needs of individuals looking for a high-protein meal replacement. Also, the addition of sugar (5g of added sugars per serving) might not align with the preferences of those seeking a lower-sugar option.

Considering these factors, Naturade VeganSmart All-in-One appears effective as a well-rounded meal replacement, offering a balance of macronutrients along with additional nutritional benefits. It suits those who need a convenient, nutrient-rich meal option, particularly for individuals following a plant-based diet. However, for those with specific dietary preferences such as low sugar or high protein, it might not fully align with their needs.



VeganSmart All-in-One Vanilla was pleasantly surprising. It struck a good balance between being flavorful without being overpowering. The vanilla flavor was noticeable but not artificial, which can often be a challenge with plant-based protein powders. In comparison to other meal replacement shakes its taste was quite enjoyable, mostly avoiding the overt chalkiness or blandness that sometimes characterizes similar products.

The texture of this shake was another highlight. It was smooth and creamy, particularly when mixed with plant-based milk. This creamy consistency made the shake feel more like a treat than a dietary supplement. When mixed with water, the texture was still acceptable, though slightly less creamy, which is expected. It didn’t form any lumps or grittiness making it a pleasant experience overall.

Mixability is a crucial factor for protein powders and meal replacements. The VeganSmart All-in-One Vanilla excelled in this area. It blended seamlessly with both water and milk, without leaving any residue or clumps. This is particularly important for those who might not always have a blender at hand and rely on just a shaker or a glass with a spoon. The ease of mixing makes it a convenient option for a quick meal replacement or a post-workout shake.



Firstly, it's important to categorize this product in terms of its market segment. Given its comprehensive ingredient list, including a diverse protein blend, vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes, VeganSmart positions itself above a basic protein powder. It's more than just a source of protein; it's a nutritionally dense meal replacement. This places it in a mid-range to premium category, especially when considering the quality of its plant-based ingredients, which are generally more costly to source than their non-plant-based counterparts.

Relative Cost

In comparison with other meal replacements or protein powders, VeganSmart offers a unique blend of ingredients. The combination of different plant proteins, along with a whole food complex and additional nutritional supplements like digestive enzymes and prebiotics, provides a well-rounded nutritional profile. This is not always the case with other products in the same category, which might focus solely on protein content without the additional benefits of whole foods and digestive aids.

However, the relatively lower protein-to-calorie ratio and the inclusion of added sugars could be viewed as drawbacks when compared to some other meal replacements that offer higher protein content with fewer added sugars. This could impact the perception of value for those specifically looking for high-protein, low-sugar options.

Considering the pricing, while it may be higher than basic protein powders, it seems justified given the extensive range of ingredients and their benefits. The cost is reflective of a product that aims to deliver more than just protein, encompassing a wider range of nutritional needs.

Overall, Naturade VeganSmart All-in-One offers good value for those seeking a comprehensive meal replacement that combines protein with other essential nutrients. It's a well-suited option for individuals looking for a convenient, nutritionally balanced meal option, particularly those following a plant-based diet.



Naturade VeganSmart All-in-One Vanilla emerges as a commendable option in the meal replacement and protein powder market. Its well-rounded blend of plant-based proteins, and the inclusion of a whole food complex, digestive enzymes, and prebiotics, set it apart from many competitors. The product's balanced approach to nutrition, offering a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and essential micronutrients, makes it a suitable choice for those seeking more than just a protein supplement.

While it might not cater to those looking for a high-protein, low-sugar meal replacement, its diverse nutritional profile positions it well for individuals seeking a convenient, all-encompassing nutritional solution, particularly for those on a plant-based diet. The ease of mixability and pleasant taste further enhance its appeal.

Someone might choose VeganSmart All-in-One over competitors for its comprehensive nutritional content, suitability for a plant-based diet, and the additional digestive health benefits it offers. It's recommended for those who value a balance of nutrients in their meal replacement, rather than a singular focus on protein.

Naturade VeganSmart All-in-one

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