Our ReviewManitoba HarvestHemp Yeah! Plant Blend

Explore Manitoba Hemp Yeah! protein powder, a blend of organic ingredients for a nutritious, plant-based protein boost.
Manitoba Hemp Yeah! Plant Blend

Manitoba Hemp Yeah! emerges as a distinctive protein powder. With its unique blend of organic pea and hemp proteins, enhanced by natural flavors and sweetened with organic coconut sugar, this protein powder is a fusion of thoughtful ingredients. Each serving, quantified at a hefty 43g, delivers 20g of protein, alongside a modest fat content of 3.5g and 15g of total carbohydrates. This product is tailored for those seeking a nutritious boost, particularly appealing to the vegan community, given its organic and dairy-free composition. Manitoba Hemp Yeah! doesn't just aim to supplement protein needs; it's crafted to offer a balanced nutritional profile, including 4g of dietary fiber and essential omega fatty acids in each serving. This blend positions itself as an ally for fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals, aligning with a lifestyle that values both wellness and environmental sustainability.

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Manitoba Hemp Yeah! protein powder embraces a blend of ingredients that reflect a commitment to organic and plant-based nutrition. The primary components of this protein mix are organic pea protein and organic hemp protein concentrate, both renowned for their high-quality plant protein content. Pea protein is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids, which is crucial for muscle growth and repair. Hemp protein, on the other hand, is not only a great protein source but also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, contributing to heart health and inflammation reduction.

Protein Matrix
Pea Protein
Hemp Concentrate

The use of organic coconut sugar as a sweetener is a noteworthy choice. It's a more natural alternative to artificial sweeteners or highly processed sugars, offering a slight sweetness without overpowering the natural flavors. Organic cocoa adds not just to the flavor but also brings in antioxidants, while the organic vanilla flavor enhances the overall taste profile.

Organic guar gum, a natural thickener, is included for texture. While some might find the texture slightly challenging, guar gum is a fiber source and can aid in digestion. However, the absence of digestive enzymes or probiotics, often included in modern protein powders for enhanced digestion, is noticeable. Incorporating these could potentially improve the digestibility and overall appeal of the product.

An interesting addition is the natural oregano extract, likely included for its antioxidant properties and as a natural preservative. This ingredient could subtly enhance the nutritional profile and shelf life of the product, though its impact on flavor is minimal.

While the blend is commendable for its organic and natural composition, some consumers might be cautious about the total sugar content (8g per serving, including 7g of added sugars). Although not excessively high, it's something for those monitoring their sugar intake to consider.

On the flip side, its non-GMO, vegan, and dairy-free attributes cater well to a growing segment of health-conscious consumers and those with specific dietary preferences or restrictions. The product is also an excellent option for those looking for a simple, organic protein source without a long list of unrecognizable ingredients.

Reviewed Product
 Hemp Yeah! Plant Blend
Reviewed Flavor
Product Ingredients
Hemp Yeah! ™ Plant protein blend (Organic pea protein, organic hemp protein concentrate, natural oregano extract), Organic coconut sugar, Organic cocoa, Natural flavors, Organic vanilla flavor with other natural flavors, Organic guar gum.
Label Endorsed As
Watchlist Ingredients



Manitoba Hemp Yeah! protein powder is a fusion of organic pea and hemp proteins, a pairing that addresses the common challenge of achieving a complete amino acid profile in plant-based protein sources. Pea protein, while rich in lysine, is notably low in methionine. Hemp protein, conversely, provides a better balance of methionine, complementing the pea protein's deficiency. This synergistic combination enhances the effectiveness of the product, making it a robust source of plant-based protein suitable for muscle repair and growth.


Delivering 20g of protein per 43g serving, the powder caters well to the dietary needs of individuals engaging in physical activities and those looking to supplement their daily protein intake, especially within vegan and vegetarian diets. The inclusion of 4g of dietary fiber per serving also contributes positively to digestive health and satiety, a beneficial factor for those managing weight or seeking a fulfilling supplement.

Considering the carbohydrate content, the product contains 15g of total carbohydrates, with 8g of total sugars, including 7g of added sugars. This carbohydrate level is moderate to high and should be taken into account by those on low-carb or ketogenic diets. The 3.5g fat content per serving is within a healthy range, contributing to the product's overall nutritional balance.

Hemp protein is a rich source of essential fatty acids, particularly omega-3 and omega-6, which play a crucial role in brain health, reducing inflammation, and maintaining heart health. These healthy fats contribute to the overall nutritional balance of the powder, making it not just a source of protein but also providing vital fatty acids that are often less prevalent in typical plant-based diets.

While the blend is commendable for its comprehensive amino acid profile, some users may still miss the rapid absorption typically associated with animal-based proteins like whey or casein. Plant-based proteins like pea and hemp generally have a slower digestion rate, which might not align with the preferences of those seeking immediate post-workout muscle recovery.

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On trying Manitoba Hemp Yeah! our immediate impression revolves around its distinctive flavor profile. The dark chocolate and hemp flavors present a unique combination. When mixed straight, these flavors don't completely harmonize, but in a smoothie, the experience improves significantly. The chocolate flavor is gentle and leans towards the dark chocolate spectrum, offering a slightly sweet taste that isn't overpowering. It's a pleasant and refreshing option for a post-workout drink, especially when you're looking for something not too sweet.

The texture, however, presents a bit of a challenge. There's a slight granular consistency, more noticeable when mixed with just water. In a smoothie, this granularity diminishes somewhat, but it's still there, albeit mild. This aspect could be slightly off-putting for those used to smoother protein powders.

Mixability is another area where Manitoba Hemp Yeah! requires a bit of effort. It tends to cling to spoons and shaker cups more than other protein powders we've tried, making it less convenient for quick preparation. Using a blender helps but it also means more dishes and less portability. This aspect might be a drawback for those who prefer a protein powder that's easy to mix on the go or with minimal equipment. We should also note that this tub didn't come with a scoop either so you will need a tablespoon handy as well.

Compared to other plant-based protein powders, Manitoba Hemp Yeah! stands out for its flavor but falls a bit short in texture and mixability. The unique blend of hemp and pea protein is commendable for its nutritional profile, but the practical aspects of daily use, like mixing and texture, could be improved.



From a price perspective, Manitoba Hemp Yeah! Chocolate protein powder positions itself in the mid to high-range bracket. The cost reflects its market positioning as a high-quality, organic protein source. This pricing is partly due to the inclusion of hemp protein, which carries a higher production and processing cost compared to other plant-based proteins. The specialized agricultural and processing requirements for hemp, along with its smaller-scale farming, contribute to this cost. Nonetheless, the unique nutritional benefits of hemp protein, rich in omega fatty acids and fiber, add to the product's value proposition.

Relative Cost

In comparison with other plant-based protein powders, Manitoba Hemp Yeah! stands out with its blend of organic pea protein and hemp protein concentrate. These ingredients not only provide high-quality protein but also bring additional health benefits such as dietary fiber and omega fatty acids. The organic nature of these ingredients further elevates the product’s value, as organic farming generally involves higher production costs. Health-conscious consumers often recognize and are willing to pay a premium for such organic offerings.

The non-GMO, vegan, and dairy-free attributes of the product make it suitable for a wide range of dietary preferences and needs, enhancing its appeal in a diverse market. However, it is important to note the absence of certain features common in other protein powders at a similar price point, such as added vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, or BCAAs. This lack of additional nutritional enhancements might affect its perceived value among consumers seeking a more comprehensive nutritional profile.

Another factor to consider is the packaging and serving size. The absence of a scoop and the relatively large serving size recommendation (6 tablespoons) could be seen as inconvenient, impacting ease of use. Combined with its mixability issues, these aspects might detract from the overall value for consumers who prioritize convenience.

In summary, Manitoba Hemp Yeah! protein powder offers solid value for those prioritizing organic, plant-based ingredients, even when taking into account its higher price point due to the cost of hemp protein production. While it may not be the most convenient option or have the most comprehensive nutritional enhancements compared to others in its price range, its quality of ingredients and health benefits make it a viable choice for a specific consumer segment.



Manitoba Hemp Yeah! protein powder stands out in the market for its organic, non-GMO, and vegan-friendly formulation. The blend of organic pea and hemp proteins offers a high-quality protein source, complete with dietary fibers and essential omega fatty acids. Its unique flavor profile, characterized by a gentle dark chocolate taste, is a highlight when used in smoothies. However, it faces challenges in texture and mixability, which may be a drawback for those seeking convenience.

Compared to its competitors, Manitoba Hemp Yeah! holds its ground with its organic ingredients and health-focused approach. While it lacks additional nutritional enhancements like vitamins, minerals, or digestive enzymes, its commitment to organic, plant-based nutrition is commendable. This product is ideally suited for those who value organic ingredients and are willing to invest a bit more effort in preparation.

Individuals who prioritize organic, vegan nutrition in their protein supplements would find Manitoba Hemp Yeah! a worthy option. I would recommend it for those who don't mind a slightly grainier texture and are equipped to blend it properly.

Manitoba Hemp Yeah! Plant Blend

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