Our ReviewIt's Just!Whey Protein Isolate

Explore the pure efficiency of "It's Just Whey Protein Isolate": a grass-fed, high-protein supplement with minimal ingredients for optimal muscle recovery.
Our Score
Net Carbs

There can be no doubt, "It's Just Whey Protein Isolate" stands out with its minimalist approach. This product is stripped down to the essentials: pure grass-fed whey protein isolate and less than 2% sunflower lecithin to improve mixability. Each scoop delivers a hefty 30 grams of protein, contributing significantly towards muscle repair and growth, with only 1 gram of fat and 1 gram of carbohydrates, making it an ideal choice for those looking to maintain a lean diet. Its unflavored nature means it can seamlessly blend into any meal or shake without altering the taste.

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The simplicity of "It's Just Whey Protein Isolate" reflects its commitment to purity and quality. The primary ingredient, grass-fed whey protein isolate, is not only superior in terms of protein content but also in its nutritional value. Grass-fed dairy products are often considered more beneficial than their grain-fed counterparts due to their higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and both lower levels of fats and omega-6 fatty acids, which are crucial for reducing inflammation and promoting heart health.

Protein Matrix
Whey Isolate

The inclusion of less than 2% sunflower lecithin is thoughtful, as it serves as an emulsifier. This helps the powder mix smoothly with liquids, which improves the overall consumption experience without using soy-based lecithin, a common allergen for many people.

While the product stands out for what it contains, it is equally notable for what it lacks. The absence of artificial sweeteners, flavors, or fillers makes this protein powder a standout choice for health-conscious individuals who are wary of unnecessary additives in their supplements.

You could argue that the addition of certain ingredients could enhance the product's appeal and nutritional profile. For instance, adding a blend of digestive enzymes could improve protein digestion and absorption, maximizing the efficacy of the 30 grams of protein per serving. However, that might conflict with the minimalist approach here of going back to the basics of providing just a high-quality protein source.

Flavor Tested
Product Ingredients
Grass Fed Whey Protein Isolate, less than 2% Sunflower Lecithin.
Product Endorsed as
Watchlist Ingredients
Manufacturers Directions

Mix one (33g) scoop with 8-12oz of water or milk, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Use blender or shaker cup w/mixing ball for best results.

Nutritional Facts

The effectiveness of "It's Just Whey Protein Isolate" is predominantly tied to its high protein content and the quality of its source—grass-fed whey. Each serving dishes out 30 grams of protein, which comprises about 90% of its weight, a testament to its purity and concentration. This is particularly impressive and beneficial for those looking to increase their protein intake for muscle building and recovery.

Fast Digestion Speed

up to 2hrs

The low fat (1g per serving) and carbohydrate (1g per serving) content support those on low-carb, high-protein diets, aiming to build muscle without gaining unwanted fat. This nutritional profile ensures that the calories you consume are almost exclusively from high-quality protein, which not only supports muscle hypertrophy but also helps in maintaining lean body mass when dieting.

Grass-fed whey is not only preferable for its lower environmental impact but also for its nutritional benefits over grain-fed counterparts. It typically contains more omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which have anti-inflammatory properties and could potentially aid in fat loss respectively. These subtle nuances contribute to the overall effectiveness of the whey protein beyond just supplying amino acids for muscle repair.

Designed for

Given the unflavored nature of this product, its taste is predominantly determined by how you use it and what flavors you add to taste.

In terms of texture, "It's Just Whey Protein Isolate" performs admirably. The powder is exceptionally fine, which helps it dissolve more effectively than coarser powders. Vigorous shaking for about 10-15 seconds in a shaker bottle seems to be sufficient to prevent any lumps, yielding a smooth, drinkable texture. With an electric blender, the texture becomes even smoother, which speaks volumes about its quality.

Mixability is one of this product's standout features, thanks to the small addition of sunflower lecithin. This ingredient acts as a natural emulsifier, aiding the powder in dissolving quickly without settling at the bottom of the glass or forming clumps. Whether in cold water or milk, the powder disperses evenly with minimal effort.


It's Just Whey Protein Isolate represents excellent value, considering its high-quality ingredients and reasonable pricing. The product harnesses grass-fed whey protein isolate, which is a superior form of protein known for its purity, high protein content, and comprehensive amino acid profile necessary for muscle repair and growth.

Relative Cost

The choice of grass-fed whey not only implies a more nutrient-rich product but also reflects a commitment to ethical farming practices, which often resonate well with health-conscious consumers. This type of whey typically commands a higher market price due to its enhanced benefits and the costlier production methods involved. However, this protein powder manages to remain affordably priced, making it an exceptional choice for those seeking the nutritional advantages of grass-fed protein without the usual premium costs.


It's Just Whey Protein Isolate stands as a commendable option due to its focus on quality and nutritional integrity. Featuring grass-fed whey protein isolate, this product ensures a high-protein content with minimal fat and carbohydrates, making it ideal for individuals seeking to enhance muscle repair and growth efficiently. The absence of artificial flavors, sweeteners, and fillers aligns with the needs of health-conscious consumers preferring pure, unadulterated supplements.

In comparison to other supplements in the market, It's Just Whey Protein Isolate provides a high-quality, straightforward protein source without the premium price tag often associated with grass-fed products. The reasonable cost, coupled with the ethical and nutritional benefits of grass-fed whey, makes this protein powder a viable choice for budget-conscious individuals who do not wish to compromise on quality.

Individuals who prioritize ingredient integrity and protein efficiency will likely choose "It's Just Whey Protein Isolate" over competitors. This product is particularly recommended for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who require a high-quality protein source that supports muscle development and recovery without additional carbs and fats. It is also ideal for those following a ketogenic or low-carb diet due to its low carbohydrate content.

Where to buy
We recommend Amazon as they consistently provide better prices and the quickest shipping.
Amazon Price
Product Pros
Includes a high-quality grass-fed whey isolate
Low in fat and carbohydrates
Lacks artificial sweeteners, flavors, or fillers
Product Cons
Limited in versatility due to the lack of flavors
Absence of beneficial additions like BCAAs or digestive enzymes
Product Pros
Includes a high-quality grass-fed whey isolate
Low in fat and carbohydrates
Lacks artificial sweeteners, flavors, or fillers
Product Cons
Limited in versatility due to the lack of flavors
Absence of beneficial additions like BCAAs or digestive enzymes
It's Just! Whey Protein Isolate
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