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Is plant protein powder a complete protein?

Plant-based protein powders are made from various plant sources such as pea, soy, rice, hemp, and others. While they are high in protein, most plant-based protein powders are considered incomplete proteins as they lack one or more of the essential amino acids.

However, it is possible to create a complete protein by combining different plant-based protein sources to provide all the essential amino acids. For example, combining rice protein powder, which is low in the essential amino acid lysine, with pea protein powder, which is high in lysine, can provide a complete protein source.

It's important to keep in mind that not all plant-based protein powders are equal in terms of their amino acid profile, so it's important to check the specific product's label to see which essential amino acids it provides. It's also important to consider the overall balance of your diet and to ensure that you are obtaining all the essential amino acids from other sources.

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