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How often should you take Mutant Mass?

Mutant Mass is a high-calorie weight gainer designed to help users achieve muscle mass and size. However, how often you should take it depends on your individual goals, calorie needs, and workout schedule. The primary purpose of this product is to provide a surplus of calories and nutrients, making it suitable for those looking to bulk up or increase muscle size effectively.

Daily Use Based on Caloric Needs

  • To Bulk Up Quickly: If your goal is to increase muscle mass rapidly, consider taking Mutant Mass once or even twice a day. For example, you can have one serving post-workout and another serving between meals, depending on your total daily calorie requirements.
  • To Supplement Regular Diet: For a more moderate muscle-building approach, taking one serving of Mutant Mass per day—preferably post-workout—can help boost your daily calorie intake without overloading your digestive system.
  • Adjust Based on Diet: If you're already consuming a high-calorie diet, using Mutant Mass just once a day or only on workout days can be sufficient. Always consider the total calorie intake needed to reach your specific goals and adjust accordingly.

Best Times to Take Mutant Mass

  1. Post-Workout: Consuming Mutant Mass immediately after your workout can help replenish glycogen stores, deliver amino acids to muscles, and support overall recovery and growth.
  2. Between Meals: Taking Mutant Mass between meals can help maintain a steady supply of nutrients and calories throughout the day, supporting consistent muscle growth.
  3. Before Bed: If your daily calorie target is still unmet, consider having a serving before bed. The slow-release carbohydrates and protein can help fuel muscle recovery overnight.

Key Considerations

  • Calorie Surplus: Remember that Mutant Mass is designed to help you achieve a calorie surplus, which is essential for gaining muscle mass. Adjust the frequency of use based on how many extra calories you need to reach your goals.
  • Digestive Comfort: Some individuals may find it challenging to consume large quantities of high-calorie shakes regularly. Start with one serving per day to assess your tolerance and adjust accordingly.
  • Protein Intake: Make sure to consider your total protein intake from all sources, as exceeding protein requirements may not provide additional benefits and could lead to digestive discomfort.

For more information on Mutant Mass you can read our full review.

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